Macro Model Analysis

Giles Korzenecki
Trader/Analyst for The Matthews Group, Chicago

Award winning macro model trading strategies from Giles Korzenecki of The Matthews Group.

Giles’ Macro Model gives specific buy and sell points in various markets including currencies, financials, grains, meats, metals, energies, indices, crypto, stocks and more. Custom signals can be generated for a separate rate.

Our proprietary model is a combination of 12 different variables, one of which is a specific trigger algorithm.

Although picking direction is never easy, over the years we have found that algorithms coupled with other variables has increased our odds in picking direction – this channel provides you with timely market insights helping to inform your decisions.


“I heartily recommend Giles Korzenecki as a high‐level technical trader striving for outperformance in today’s markets.”

Robert A. Johnson
Past Portfolio Manager of the Soros Quantum Fund.

Premium Includes

Active Reports

Starting Sunday evening between 1 and 10pm Central time in the US, our reports are distributed for significant changes in the markets, bringing you the very latest market commentary throughout the day

Between 5 to 15 macro themes

Including charts and trading signals generated by our propriety model

Topics Covered

Currencies, financials, grains, meats, metals, energies, indices, crypto, stocks

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