Electronic Execution


An overview of electronic execution, algorithms, and transaction cost analysis from the Marex Electronic Execution desk.


Marex Electronic Execution

About this channel

This Insights channel provides readers with information about electronic execution, algorithms and execution strategies, and transaction cost analysis, to help guide trading decisions. Produced by the market specialists on the Marex Electronic Execution Desk and written from a practitioner’s standpoint, this channel is designed to help readers understand in more detail the different types of execution strategies available, how to analyse and improve algo performance, and how to apply this knowledge to different types of markets.

Topics will include:

  • Deep-dives on individual algorithms
  • How to measure execution performance
  • Key features of markets to think about when choosing an execution strategy

Feedback, and topic suggestions, are always welcomed so please do get in touch with the Electronic Execution Desk if you have ideas or questions.

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Included in this channel

Electronic execution

Algorithms and execution strategies

Transaction cost analysis