Ed Meir on Metals


Ed Meir is a well-respected and longstanding commentator on base metals, with decades of experience amongst ring-dealing LME brokers.

His Neon Insights Premium Channel provides a comprehensive analysis of the base and precious metals markets on a daily, monthly and annual basis.


Edward Meir

About this channel

Having started his career trading physical nonferrous metals, Ed Meir now speaks often at commodity conferences and is frequently quoted in the press. He has also assisted legal cases as an expert witness. Holding degrees in Economics from Montreal's McGill University and New York University, he is a registered principle with the National Futures Association, with whom his own firm is registered as an independent introducing broker.

Mr Meir was named as the most accurate price forecaster for LME base metals in five of the last 10 years between 2010-2020, as ranked by the Fastmarkets APEX analyst survey. He also obtained a top-five ranking in precious metals in five of the past seven years, including #1 in 2019 and #2 in the prestigious LBMA Precious Metals Survey.

Daily note

In our mid-day LME report, which has a near 20 year history provides colour on key market developments in the LME, covering relevant macro headlines, with particular emphasis on the US and Chinese economy, and a recap of exogenous variables including currency, energy, equity and bonds markets.

Monthly note

Reviewing the markets on a medium-term basis, this report comes out during the first week of the month. It covers the preceding month along with color on the month ahead across 27 markets. These include crude oil and energy products, base metals, ferrous metals, precious metals, leading currency markets and US S&P 500 and US treasuries. We believe this product is unique in the research space in terms of breath of coverage and regularity.


  • ad hoc same-day commentary as and when market conditions warrant
  • morning and evening research notes
  • annual market review

    A free trial is available

Topics covered

  • Crude Oil
  • Energy products
  • Base Metals
  • Ferrous Metals
  • Precious Metals
  • Leading currency markets
  • US S&P 500
  • US Treasuries