Ags Insights


Quality market commentary and reports from Charles Arbuthnot and the Ags team, providing unique perspectives you can’t find anywhere else.

Charles Arbuthnot
Senior Agricultural Trader

Socrates once said, “No man can lead who does not understand the problems of grain.” Agricultural markets have evolved continuously in past 2,500 years, but they are just as critical today as they were in Socrates’s time, for political leaders and business leaders alike. Production, consumption, trade, and stocks—these dynamic factors have been the forces shaping agriculture markets throughout the ages.

Marex’s Ags Insights channel seeks to cut through the complexities of agricultural fundamentals by providing thoughtful and timely commentary on corn, wheat, and soybean supply and demand balances, as well as those of related products. The Ags Insights team brings experience from trading houses, hedge funds, and top agricultural firms to deliver cutting-edge expositions on the most important factors moving the agricultural markets at any given time.

Premium Includes

Weekly Insights

  • Weekly Flat Price & Spread Seasonality
  • Weekly Commitment of Traders “Dry Powder” Analysis​
  • Chart of the Week​
Monthly Insights

  • Pre- and Post-WASDE Insights​
  • Ethanol Insights​

Topics Covered

Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Ethanol, Related Products

Topics Covered

Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Ethanol, Related Products

Whats included



