Insights User Guide

Neon Insights provides access to market data, commentary articles, reports, and analysis for Marex Group’s clients, viewable on any device. Some articles are free to view, and others are ‘Premium’, which requires a paid subscription.

Neon Insights is accessible to anyone who signs up via the website registration page. Once registered, you must verify your details to activate your account.

Upon registration to Neon, you get access to read all non-Premium Insights articles. To unlock Premium articles, a billing account is required.

Enquire about Premium subscriptions

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Creating a Neon Account

To access the Neon platform, sign up or log in at
Neon sign up landing page
To sign up, provide an email address and password, and confirm agreement to the Marex Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. It is recommended that Marex clients use the same email address to which their existing client account is registered, in order to easily connect to the right services. If you need to update this email address, this should be done first with your Marex Account Executive, outside of the Neon platform.

Verify your account by clicking the link in the email sent to the email address provided upon signing up. Once verification, sign in using the credentials created at registration, and you will be directed to the Neon dashboard, which provides access to all Neon products.

On first sign in, you are prompted to select the topics you are most interested in, from a choice of:

• Agriculture
• Energy
• Financials
• Metals

… as well as completing registration by providing your full name, company, and phone number. Once set, your interests (which are separate from Insights subscriptions) can be managed in profile settings.

Logging in to an existing account

Neon Insights on the dashboard
If you already use a product from the Neon suite of applications, simply log in to Neon as usual and your account will automatically be connected to Insights.

Neon Dashboard

After log-in, you will be directed to the Neon Dashboard. From here, you can launch Neon apps, view latest insights articles tailored to your interests, and discover offered applications. The dashboard also provides the ability to contact support, view other Marex Services and see banners for notable developments from Neon and Marex.

Navigating Insights

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For You

As an Insights reader, when you log in, you will land on the ‘For You’ page. This is a customized landing page, populated with the latest free articles tailored to the topic(s) you selected on the Interests section of the sign-up process. You can change your chosen topics in ‘manage account’ in the top right corner of your window.

Below your latest free articles, you can browse ‘Premium’ and ‘Free to Subscribe’ channels.

Browse Channels

Beyond the ‘For You’ page, you can browse all channels across insights using the Channels tab. It is designed to assist you in finding new content or expanding your existing subscriptions.

In the channel’s tab, you will be able to view all premium and free channels on the Insights platform. Simply choose a channel to view a description of the market commentary it provides, browse recent free articles, request free trial access, or see pricing information.


Prior to subscribing to any channels on Insights, you will have the opportunity to preview the available channels on the platform in the Subscriptions tab. Upon subscribing to a channel(s), you can access pricing details for the channel(s), unsubscribe from the channel(s), and manage email notifications in subscriptions.

Reading Articles

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Article Navigation

Each piece of content on Insights is called an article. It may be a one-off piece, a regularly published report, or a set of data and charts with commentary. Beyond the content, each article will display a set of information that allows you to find more articles – for example, from the same desk or by the same contributor(s).

Across the top of the article are a set of sharing options – you can print, share to a social network, email, tweet, add to Facebook or LinkedIn. Except print, these options will produce a link requiring the recipient to sign up to Neon to view the article. If the article is free to view, they will also be able to view it.

Along the right-hand side of the page, you can:

• View the publishing channel
• Contact the publishing desk by email
• See publishing contributors and their contact information
• Find additional articles from the publishing channel
On the right, you may also see Promotional Content relevant to the article.

Premium Content

Any article can be marked as Premium by the creator. To view, you must contact the relevant desk or to set up your billing for Premium access.

Articles can be designated as Premium for a set period chosen by the author. After the expiry date, the article is free to view. This is designed to help you decide the most useful and relevant Premium subscriptions for your needs.

Promotional Content

Promotional content allows contributors to publish an ‘advert’ for an event or service. It may be displayed within the article or along the right-hand side panel. The promotional content will be relevant to the platform or the article on which it is displayed.

Click or tap the image within the promotional content to view more detail.

Email Notifications

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Managing Email Notifications

Once you are subscribed to a channel, you can choose if you wish to receive an instant email alert when a new article is published. Email notifications are managed separately from subscriptions. You can toggle on or off each channel you would like to receive emails from when articles are published.

Access the email notifications settings from the settings menu within the profile icon at the top right of the screen.

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